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News From the Farm

March 14, 2010

Couldn't of been a better day than yesterday. Sitting in a roomful of K-State fans at the FFA BBQ and auction with only 1 other person for KU and they won the championship. We took a lot of guff but that was okay because our team won. The BBQ pork and beef was delicious and I bought an oil change donated by Beckmon Motors.
Also, just before I left for the auction - Rose presented me with the cutest twin billys you have ever seen - one black and white and one marked just like her. That brings the total to 17 baby goats. I had to help deliver the second one as he came ass first but both are doing fine and they are so cute. I must cull a few goats as the population now stands at 33 total. I don't quite need that many to keep me company.
I purchased garden seed and am going to plant some radishes and lettuce in pots so I can get a jump on fresh veggies. Today I'm planning on going to the Cornbeef and Cabbage dinner with live Irish music at Emerald church.
Is Lawrence having a St. Patrick's Day parade?
Not much else for news from here - love to all Mom

March 11, 2010

We had 48 ladies at Knowledge @ Noon - they loved the story about grape pie - I don't think anyone here in Kansas has ever tried one but 2 ladies have grapes and we are going to make one this year and test it out.
Friday is the Greeley Fish Fry - Sat. is FFA BBQ and auction - Sun. is Emerald's church's corn beef and cabbage dinner (Dixie and I are planning to attend all three - no cooking for me this weekend. Trader Joes is in St. Louis and there is a place in KC where you can order and pick up your trader joe order. I might have to order orange chicken by the case!!!!!!! Checking this out
Not much else from here - all baby goats are doing fine. We have had rain - yuk, yuk but also the temperatures are getting warmer and days getting longer so Spring will arrive !!!!! some day soon.
Love to all, Mom

February 7, 2010 - R.I.P. Crusty


January 15, 2010

It is getting better in Kansas - overnight temp. 29 and yesterday it got up to 40 - the snow is melting and we can now see the earth for the first time since Christmas. There will be mud everywhere and the gravel roads are a mess but sloppy is better than slick. Lewis is feeling some better part of the time - just can't move around much as it still must be irritated when he moves. My week has been really busy. Sun. night dinner @ Scipio (Extension Council Board) included a free steak dinner (very good). I took Debbie as my guest as Lewis was not able to attend - she enjoyed his steak. Mon. evening was library board meeting - Wed. was Knowledge @ Noon and we had the biggest crowd ever (over 30 ladies) Mrs. Arnold was there from Arnold's greenhouse and gave us an update on new flowers and vegetables coming in the Spring and all they are doing. A very good program. They have added chickens and their chickenhouse has a growing roof - the sod and plants keep the chickens cooler in summer and warmer in winter. That was cool. Today I go to the library to take down Christmas decorations - they've asked the Friends of the Library to help with this project so Dixie and I are volunteering for the morning and then we will go to lunch. That's about it for here. Love to all, Mom

June 26, 2009

Wheat harvest is in full swing in Anderson County - Rod finished cutting our wheat yesterday and we also got over 600 bales of straw. Don't know for sure until we add up all of the weight tickets but the wheat on top of the hill at Matties made over 40 bu. an acre. Really good for such a wet Spring.
Last night was the ice cream social for Friends of the Library and I took chocolate chip ice cream - it sure tasted good with it being so hot out. Also the Community Band put on a concert and the music was very enjoyable.
We broke down and put in the air conditioner last week. It's been a real challange keeping all of the animals with fresh cool water to drink - I only got 1 egg yesterday - with the high humidity and hot temperatures the hens have gone on strike. Hopefully it will cool off a little soon. Oh! summer in Kansas. Thank goodness we've been saving rainwater so I'm able to water the garden - we've harvested our first cucumber and zuchinni and cabbage is ready and getting a few cherry tomatoes. The big tomatoes are set on and I can't wait to pick that lst tomato.
Tonight is my 45 year class reunion - hard to believe I'm getting so old. It will be good to see everyone again. I hope they all look older and fatter than me....ha...ha
Better close - I've got to work on looking 45 years younger - also cooking for our picnic tonight. Hope you're having a good week - lots of love, Mom

June 17, 2009

Not much damage here from Monday nights storm. We were without electricity from 10:00 pm Monday until about 9:30 Tues. morning. Richmond & Greeley were hammered much more than us. We had 2 1/2 inches of rain - some wind. Richmond had 2 barns blown down, an RV overturned and numerous carports and sheds with the roofs blown off. Several power poles were broke off. Dixie still did not have power restored last night. We were very fortunate to not have as much damage here on the farm. We will try to get up the hill at Matties today - I hope our wheat was not damaged - it is at a critical drying stage but it was too muddy to get up the hill to check it out.
Not much other news from here - love to all, MOM

May 27, 2009

Just a quick note to update you on life in Garnett, Ks - yesterday I bought 3 new goats at the sale barn - these are alpine milking goats and today I will need to decide for sure if I want to milk them awhile and try making cheese or let them dry up. I will keep these goats they are have very nice personalities and do not try to walk up your arm while you are milking them.
We went fishing @ the end of the lane pond and caught a channel,8 bullheads, 1 bass and 1 perch Monday. What fun! and good eating also. Today Krista & Sammy are coming down - she has a weeks vacation and Sammy wanted to come down and fish - I sure hope the fish will bite today.
All the veterans with markers had flags flying on their graves in Judy cemetary for Memorial Day for the first time for as long as I can remember. I will continue my research and by next year some that are no longer marked can be verified and will have flags also. One person can make a difference if they just take time to do something for those who did so much for us to keep us free.
Not much else for news from here - we had a soft rain this morning and the garden is loving it. Xav & Michelle - Hope you had a wonderful time in Colorado
Xan & Clint - we will see you this weekend for Annies b-day party
Love to all and have a great week - Mom
Remember - ......Be Yourself - Everyone else is taken

April 28, 2009

We had 3 1/2 inches of rain Sun. night - flooding everywhere Mon. - I had moved the cornish-cross chicks to a larger pen Sun. afternoon and one decided to try out the rain outside the barrel - I thought he was dead but when I picked up the limp little thing he groaned and was breathing but could not open his eyes or hold his head up. I brought him in the house and dried him off with the hair dryer and he started coming back to life so I gave him a drink of warm water and put him under a heat lamp in the garage - a few hours later he was up eating and drinking and by afternoon he was back in the pen and is doing fine. A reserected chicken. I named him miracle but now I can't tell which one he was. That was my fun for Mon. Flood waters are down today but more rain in the forecast. We had lettuce out of the garden today and we've harvested 6 radishes. Hope it dries up soon so we can get the rest of the garden in.
Love to all - Mom

July 30, 2008

Fair results - I got overall grand champion on my cherry pie and grand champion on my ginger carrot muffins and cookies. Also got a blue on my whole wheat bread (there was an air hole right where the judge cut it) and a red on my cake. Tonight is the pie contest which I won't be entering because I'm helping put it on but this will be a busy day getting ready for it. Stay safe and have a good week. Love always, Mom

March 9, 2008

New babies...

Septmeber 20, 2007

Lewis went deer hunting last night so I decided to try my luck at fishing. You wouldn't believe it - First I caught a turtle - then a big channel - I just had to call Lewis and by the time he came home I had a basket full of fish and he caught a bass over 4 pounds. These were all caught on worms and a bobber so I started using a lure and they still kept bitting. We had a wonderful time and I have fresh fish for lunch and enough for 2 more meals in the freezer. You could only fish with one pole they were bitting so fast. It was great!!!!!!!!! Hope you week is going as good as mine. Love to all and hope you got the picture - Love you, Mom

Septmeber 13, 2007
Today we are going to Burlingame to see them come in for the overnight on the Santa Fe Trail - great american horse race. Last night we went up on the hill at Matties deer scouting - saw 7 turkeys and 2 deer. Also out back of the barn by the goat pen (home place) we saw about 12 of the quail I released - they are so cute and doing fine in the wild - they were pecking bugs and seeds and also have figured out that corn falls through the drain holes in the bunk when we feed the cows and llamas.Not much else is news from here - hope your dinner party goes well. Love ya, Mom

Septmeber 12, 2007
Thursday we will be in Burlingame to see the riders come in on the Great Santa Fe Trail Horse Race - there are 60 riders from 22 states and they are traveling the Santa Fe trail from New Mexico to Independence - they started Sept. l and will end Sept 15. They will be in Gardner 9-15 and Jo Dee Messina will be in concert there. This is a great history lesson and a great way to increase awareness of endurance riding. Most are doing it in teams and all have 5 horses each. We sold our steers yesterday and got $1.15 per pound - we already sold the heifers for $1.10. Better than interest at the bank - we were very pleased . Not much else going on here-All animals have been brought home from Matties as we are getting ready for deer hunters (black powder season starts 9-15-07.) Connecticut Bob will be here the end of Oct and the Zupons will be down from Minnesota in Nov for bow hunting.better close this is getting too long - love to all, Mom

August 16, 2007
This has been a quiet week - Zach has started painting the house at Matties - it sure looks nice. I've been taking Lexee to Volleyball practice - she is now 7th grade - school starts next Thurs. and she is excited about being in Jr. High. We turned the quail loose and they seemed really happy to be free. Hope they make it. Not much else for news from here. Love to you all, MOM

July 31, 2007
Pictures will follow - Gumdrop had twins yesterday afternoon. A billy & nanny - this is one of my pygmy goats and they are beautiful. After working so hard to get the herd healthy again this is a real plus. All pregnant goats and the orphan babies have been brought home so now I have 3 pens of goats but separating and cleaning is paying off and all seem to be doing okay now. I hope we never get 15 inches of rain in 4 days again but I'm better educated in what I have to do to keep everyone okay.

July 26, 2007
Miracles never cease - I came in 3rd out of 24 pies in the pie contest last night and won $40.00. This has been a good year at the fair. Also I would like to announce that Lexee made her very first pie yesterday and entered it in the pie contest - It brought $42.50 at the auction - she was very happy. My 3rd place pie only brought $30.00. Today is Ladies Morning out and I will be going to that. Then Lexee's pet show is @ 1:00. Report on Zach - he came through the surgery on his hand very well. They had to pin one finger but those pins will come out - the other they put in a plate and pins which I think will stay in. Monday at the doctors I had Lexee who was getting her cast off and Zach who was getting his hand looked at to get a cast on (which ended up with the surgery) and Kinlee who pulled a tooth while we were waiting for our appointments - the receptionist was very nice and gave us an envelope to put the tooth in. (Who says retirement is boring) Better close - love to you all, Mom

July 24, 2007
I did it !!!!!!!!!!! Open Foods Overall Grand Champion!!!!!!!! I won with my French Onion Bread I shouldn't brag but this is one of my greatest accomplishments to date. What a day!!!!!

July 17, 2007
This has not been a good week on the farm - Ebony & Annie died. We are treating the whole goat herd with medicine and rewormed the all. Coccidia infected our herd - the vet said this could have come up from the ground due to all the rain or we added an infected goat. Anyway we are treating the whole herd with medicine for 5 days and will repeat this again in 3 months. Thank goodness most are so tame and they seem to like the taste of the medicine so it hasn't been a big problem and so far no one else seems to have come down with anything. I leave this afternoon for Branson with Shirley,Lois and Linda - We will be going to Dick Clark theatre on Sun. to see Fabian,Bobby V, the Chiffons and one other I can't think of - our condo has its own kitchen and jacussi - hope we have a blast from the past.This is 60's music. Not much else is news from here - we are getting tomatoes, cucumbers and corn now from the garden. When I get home I'll be getting ready for the county fair so we will stay busy thru July. Love to all, hope this finds you all having a great time. Mom

July 3, 2007 - Flood Update
The water has receded - we had 15 inches of rain here Wed. thru Sat.- Welda and areas south reported up to 20 inches. The branch and creek reached the highest levels I have ever seen in my 61 yrs. Our corn on the 40 was completely under water and so were the beans on the lower fields at Matties. Shirley & Bob Katzer had to move out of their home. What a mess - slimy mud everywhere. It also washed out the edges of 59 Hwy. north of Garnett for about a quarter mile stretch. The levy broke in Osawatomie and 1/3 of the town is under water - it was up to the rooftops in places. Several people in Lane had to leave their homes as the water came up over the railroad and into portions of town. Yesterday we worked in the garden all day - we dug and pulled the onions and potatoes - not much of a crop and they were starting to rot. The ground is so saturated our tomatoes are wilting - drowning in the mud. Thank goodness our houses are on high ground. We probably lost 10 acres of corn. Glad we now have grocery stores - if we were here in Kansas as pioneers we would get very hungry by winter - the 100 yr. freeze and flood hitting in the same year would have been a real disaster. On a happier note - I did some research at the courthouse and now have a copy of Fred Morey's deed. This farm 101 acres was purchased for $5,000.00 - What could you buy in Lawrence or Los Angeles for that price today? Better close this is getting long. Love to all, Mom

June 29, 2007
Well I've graduated and am a Master Food Volunteer - just have to get my 40 hrs community service in. I was sorry to see my classes end - I made a lot of new friends and really enjoyed all the cooking and tasting. Today I will be pickling beets - it is still raining and we are flooding around here - this is the second time our corn has been under water. If I can find a way to get into the garden without sinking I have green beans to pick and cucumbers to find - not much else is news from here. Still no baby goats but they sure look ready to pop anytime. More later, Love to all, Mom

June 23, 2007
No, I haven't fell of the face of the earth. Just haven't had time to get to the computer - We've hatched over 50 quail and 8 turkeys this week - also put 11 qts of green beans up and bought 6 more goats - our total is now 29 and rising as baby goats are due anytime - they are doing a great job cleaning up the pasture and I'll miss each and every one that I'll sell this fall - Only 2 more classes to go and I'll be a Master Food Volunteer - I hate for this to end - I've met such nice ladies and we've had a lot of fun together. Today will be another busy one and Rod cut out wheat yesterday and we have straw to bale and haul in today. I made dinner for the Sobba's yesterday as they have been in the hay fields every night and haven't had a meal all week. This will help pay back them taking care of Lewis while I was gone to California and the girls helping me snap all of those green beans, and of course letting them go with them to hunt rocks on the state geology trip. Must close - chores to get done before we start on the straw. Hope all is well with you guys and you are enjoying life as much as I am. Time flies but it is so great to be busy. Also a quick note - we saw 4 deer on top of Matties hill and 2 will be trophy bucks - they are still in velvet but were so pretty. Love to all, Mom

May 4, 2007
California dates - I leave May 16 and return home May 21. I know I should not forward messages to you but couldn't help but forward the daffodil story [see below]. Can't wait to see you at Annies party - yes I'd like to look over your bookshelf. I have only one chapter to go on the book I bought while in Lawrence - I tried to save it but it kept calling to me to read, read, read me. It is good - I'll bring it to you when we come up. Pasta Making is not as easy as it sounds - Mine was to wet and stuck together as it came out of the dies. I will not give up yet - I want to try again and see if I can do better. If the second batch does not come out good would you like to have a pasta machine? Have a good week - more later - love to all, Mom

May 2, 2007 (forward from Mom)

The Daffodil Principle

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over."

I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. "I will come next Tuesday", I promised a little reluctantly on her third call. Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and reluctantly I drove there

When I finally walked into Carolyn's house I was welcomed by the joyful sounds of happy children. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren "Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in these clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!"

My daughter smiled calmly and said, "We drive in this all the time, Mother." "Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears, and then I'm heading for home!" I assured her. "But first we're going to see the daffodils. It's just a few blocks," Carolyn said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this." "Carolyn," I said sternly, "Please turn around." "It's all right, Mother, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience."

After about twenty minutes, we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand lettered sign with an arrow that read, " Daffodil Garden ." We got out of the car, each took a child's hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path Then, as we turned a corner, I looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight. It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it over the mountain peak and its surrounding slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, creamy white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, and saffron and butter yellow. Each different colored variety was planted in large groups so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue. There were five acres of flowers.

"Who did this?" I asked Carolyn. "Just one woman," Carolyn answered. "She lives on the property. That's her home." Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house, small and modestly sitting in the midst of all that glory. We walked up to the house.

On the patio, we saw a poster. "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking", was the headline. The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read. The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, and one brain." The third answer was, "Began in 1958."

For me, that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than forty years before, had begun, one bulb at a time, to bring her vision of beauty and jo y to an obscure mountaintop. Planting one bulb at a time, year after year, this unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. One day at a time, she had created something of extraordinary magnificence, beauty, and inspiration. The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principles of celebration.

That is, learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time--often just one baby-step at time--and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world . "It makes me sad in a way," I admitted to Carolyn. "What might I have accomplished if I had though t of a wonderful goal thirty-five or forty years ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb at a time' through all those years? Just think what I might have been able to achieve!" My daughter summed up the message of the day in her usual direct way. "Start tomorrow," she said. She was right. It's so pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson of celebration instead of a cause for regret is to only ask, "How can I put this to use today?"

Use the Daffodil Principle. Stop waiting....
Until your car or home is paid off
Until you get a new car or home
Until your kids leave the house
Until you go back to school
Until you finish school
Until you clean the house
Until you organize the garage
Until you clean off your desk
Until you lose 10 lbs.
Until you gain 10 lbs.
Until you get married
Until you get a divorce
Until you have kids
Until the kids go to school
Until you retire
Until summer
Until spring
Until winter
Until fall
Until you die...

There is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
Work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching.
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

May 2, 2007
I took radishes to the sale barn - first of the season - I got $1.75 per bundle - wish I would have had more than 4 bundles - these were bunches of 12-16 radishes. That is enough to pay for the garden seed we purchased for the rest of the garden. We now have potatoes,radishes,cabbage,onions,peas,banana peppers, green pepers,tomatoes,green beans,cucumbers,and sweet corn planted. Can't wait to get that first tomato. Also I spent $2.00 and got a pasta maker - I'm trying it out for supper - I have the following dies, macaroni,gnocchi,tagliatelle,vermicelli,rigatoni,lasagne,cookie,linfuini,angel hair, bagel,spaghetti,fettuccine,penne,rugala,manicotti,pappardelle,rotini,shell,pastry,breadstick and fusilli - this should be fun and I can now make carrot,spinach or tomato pasta using my own juice. I don't know what some of these are but will learn. A complete recipe book came with the machine.Hopefully it will work. You can also put the hamburger and bread crumbs in it and make meat balls; All is well here - the calves are all found - Lewis spent the morning on top of the hill watching for what might have been scaring them. One calf has a torn up ear but all seem to be okay except for being scared. Hope you week is going well - Love to all from your mom the hopeful chef.

April 27, 2007, 1:07PM
We found our steers!!!!!!! They were clear over on 4th Ave - Bud Katzer put them in his pasture and picking them up today. We think we figured out what happened also - They were chased and cornered by dogs and tore down the fence to get away. Wild dogs are fair game now. It is a pity that people have to dump their dogs and let dogs roam and cause trouble. Deb and I walked and Lewis on the Trecker and spent another 2 hrs. looking for them yesterday morning and in talking to neighbors found out at 11:00 pm Sat. night they were on the road over by Ben's farm on Trego road - then they we out on east 4th - it is really a wonder they were not hit by a car - black calves - dark night. Thank God they were not hit or cause a wreck. Xanthippe- Thanks for Saturday - farmers market was fun. We got everything planted and so far they look okay. We also planted the tomatoes and I pulled some more radishes for supper and will have lettuce and spinach for today and we are getting more asparagas. Xavier - hope your knee is better. Love to all , Mom

April 27, 2007, 1:07PM
It is raining here right now (1:00 pm) - we worked in the lawn & garden all morning. We are getting spinach, asparagas, and radishes now in the garden.

Report on Clyde - he did just fine overnight with the goat herd but was still glad to see us and get his special feed this morning. He's adjusting to being a goat just fine. We will be up in the morning if it's not raining hard - hopefully it will warm up some. What would you like in the way of meat? Could you use some eggs? I'll call you this evening and get a list of anything else we have that you might want. Love you, Mom

April 27, 2007, 6:33AM
Farm update - Clyde is now hopefully a goat - I took him to Matties yesterday and he spent his first night in the herd. I weaned him from his bottle Mon. and each time I went over to check on him yesterday he was with the herd and enjoying having so much room to roam. Can't wait for it to get light enough to see how he made it through the night - he was in the barn with the other goats and bedded down last trip over there last night. I actually think he is doing better with the separation than I am. Tonight I'm going to a pampered chef party @ Dixie's. I start my master food classes June 6 and each Wed. & Thurs. through June will be in class in Jo. County (40 hrs) but plan to learn a lot about food safety, science, preserving, and lots of new recipes. If I pass I will receive an apron and will be giving back 40hrs community service since the county pays half of the cost of the class. I will be qualified to be a food judge at the local fairs etc. with this knowledge and will meet many interesting people.

April 19, 2007
The barrel we wanted to get you at the sale barn went for $27.50 - too much.We did buy you a barrel if you want it for $4.00 and some old maps. Had a good time and enjoyed the sunshine. Yesterday Clyde and I pulled weeds in the asparagas patch and fed them to the chickens and really enjoyed soaking up the sun. Clyde got bored and decided to see if he would be allowed to eat my lilacs so he went back to his pen. He did enjoy a game of king on the mountain on the cave. We took the rest of the goats over to Zach's and they are really enjoying eating brush. It will be a sad day when Clyde gets big enough to join them (for me not Clyde) Not much else for news from here. We're just enjoying the sunshine and watching to see what will come back since the freeze. Some of the garden seems trying to survive. Hope all is well with you guys - Grams house is finished - Dale will be up in a couple of weeks to put on her new guttering and we will be painting her shed to match the house and fixing the front porch rails. That's all for now - have a good week and much love to all, MOM

April 15, 2007
Hopefully Spring will be here soon. Now that we've lost our garden and fruit trees it seems as if we are likely to loose our wheat crop - the 2 inches of snow slush following the l.l inches of cold rain we had Fri. has laid the wheat down and broken many of the stems - It doesn't look like it can recover. Global Warming?????? Deb & I cancelled our garage sale Sat. - too wet and slushy. We did make $43.00 on Fri. Think we will take the leftovers to the sale barn - I just don't want to bring it back home. Not much else to report - Grams siding project will be done in a couple of more days if it quits raining and Dale came up yesterday and measured for the guttering and will be back in a couple of weeks and we will get it installed and the shed painted. I made a pot of chili and we all had lunch together (Mom,Dale,Karen,Deb,Bev, and Lewis and I) More later, Mom

April 5, 2007
Xanthippe - Can't wait to see you and Clint Sat. and show you all of the new animals. Thank you for your help in finding me flight info for my trip. I made the reservations all by myself - the first time in my life I've made reservations. I'm getting smarter all the time and the lady was really nice. I used the 800 number so I could talk to a real person and it worked. Yesterday I worked the election - we had 13 voters - out of a possible 252 for Monroe township. the only thing on our ballot was USD 365 school board and everyone was running with no opposition. What a waste of money to hold this election but I will take their money because it goes in my California trip fund. Xavier- I am allowed 2 free checked bags so I can bring you some meat - we have beef and pork so give me an idea what you want and I will bring it out to you. My flight lasts 3 hrs so with polar paks I'm sure it will not thaw. 50 pounds is the limit for each bag. Better close, Lewis just woke up and Clyde will be wanting his bottle. More later - love to all ,MOM

March 26, 2007
We had fresh asparagas last night for supper - come down when you can I've made a deal with Janice Dennison - trading eggs for asparagas. They love our eggs and we love their asparagas - we are getting some of our own but our asparagas patch is not fully established yet so this is a good trade and she said she would have plenty to give you also. I'll write more later - must go and feed Clyde. By the way our onions,radishes,lettuce and peas are up and growing - plum trees are in full bloom also with cherries,pear,apples to follow. Hope your weeks are great. Love to all, Mom

March 23, 2007
This has been a wonderful week on the farm - first let me ask you guys to forgive me for not being the mother I should have been when you were little. As time passes I have discovered many things that I did wrong as a parent and hopefully I have been making amends by giving of myself to others - how you both turned out as well as you did amazes me more every day. This week has been one of farm tours to kids, grandkids, and great grandkids - we've had children here every day to visit the animals and hopefully every visit has be positive. Clyde & Oreo - Lexee and I visited long term care at the hospital yesterday and what a sucess that was - to see the smiles on the oldies faces was wonderful - some held the goats and all seemed to enjoy them- and the goats enjoyed the attention and we all forgot any troubles we might have for a time. Lexee has bloomed this week and is so good with animals- we've trimmed hooves, wormed goats, given all the animals treats of bread, graham crackers, and crackers. She can now lead almost all of the goats and even the shy ones seem to love her. Dixie has been over several times - the bottle baby she bought would not suck but we now have Snowball taking his bottle gladly. we've saved another life. Lewis and Aaron have been building fence at the new pond and today we will hang the gate and finish up. We now have potatoes,radishes,peas, lettuce and onions planted and they will soon be up with the rain and warm days. The plum tree is in full bloom - hopefully we won't have a killing frost. I've also read 3 more books. It seems I'm always waiting for daylight to come so I can be back outside enjoying the sun. Spring is great. Hope you both are having a good week - Xavier - I'll have a better idea as to whether I can get away and come to California by the first of next week. I won't take on any more animals and will try to get Clyde weaned so I can get away for a few days. More later, love to all, and I hope you all can be as happy as I am, Mom

March 19, 2007
Miracles never cease - Lewis, Dixie, and I went to Mt. Ida to look at goats yesterday afternoon - Dixie bought 2 and somehow I came home with a young fainting goat - she needs a name and yes just like the ones seen on TV she faints when she gets excited or scared. This is normal for this breed of goat and looks quite comical. Hopefully at our house she will not have to faint very often for I haven't figured out yet whether or not this is a good thing but I can't think it could be much fun.That's all the news from the farm for now - we'll see what the day brings. I did not win anything at Bingo last night - glad that KU won - and send much love to all of you. Love you, Mom

March 15, 2007
All is well here on the farm and very busy. New project (temporary) I am bottle feeding a calf whose mother died at birth and doesn't want to suck a bottle. Using Karo syrup on my fingers and rubbing the inside of her mouth then putting the bottle in and rubbing her chin Dixie Schetler and I managed to get her to drink 5 1/2 pints - goal is 8 pts per day - We brought the calf home to our house last night - with Pat working and children 5 and 2 helping Dixie doesn't have the time to mess with this little heifer and I made 3 trips to their house yesterday. If I can keep her alive she is worth about $250.00 and so far I am the only one that can make her eat so we will see what today brings - Davy the vet is very encouraging and says today should make a difference. Clyde loves her - hopefully all will turn out well. Her name is Stinky because somehow during all this trama she has rubbed her head into some skunk spray and you leave the pen smelling like a skunk. We are also planting garden today - onions,potatoes,lettuce,radishes and peas. And they say retirement is boring - I haven't been bored yet. Love to all and I'll keep you updated on our progress here. Mom

March 7, 2007
Just a quick update - we are still trying to get Zach moved in - we hauled water yesterday - hopefully this will bring the well up and it will stay in to make sure he has enough water - also the propane tank will be delivered and installed tomorrow so he will have some heat until we can get the chimney in good shape with a liner or whatever it takes to make it safe to burn wood. Thank goodness after today it is supposed to warm up. I bought 4 new goats at the sale barn yesterday - brush eaters we hope. We have a great auction to go to Sun. north of Lane. Lewis is down with a terrible head cold but is feeling some better today - his resistance is still not much. That's about all from here
love to all, Mom

March 4, 2007
Update for the week - Zach moved into Matties house yesterday - it will take some adjustment but I hope he will be happy there. The All-True Travels & Adventures of Lidie Newton by Jane Smiley is a great book so far - it's interesting reading about life in Lawrence around 1855 - Massachusetts was the hub of activity then and we do not appreciate what our forefathers went through in order to make Kansas a free state. We discuss this book on March 12 at the library. In working on our family 100 year farm - I would appreciate a story of your life to print in the history book I am compiling which will be accompanied with a cookbook so any favorite or original recipes you guys have would be appreciated. I'll close for now - hope all is well with you guys - love to all, Mom

March 2, 2007
Sorry to send another note so quick - I know you get way more messeges than me. News from home - Jerry moved out and I can say that I was quite surprised to see how nice he left Matties house - it's better than he started with. Free rent for 5 years and most of the other years he paid only $200.00 a month but he did protect the place. Zach will be moving in this weekend and he will learn a lot living on his own. I don't know whether I mentioned buying another Llama Tues. at the sale barn - I got her for $40.00 and will be sending pictures soon. Very spotted and beautiful - we've moved Speedy & Marble to Matties - to keep Speedy from Calico and to get Patches weaned. Spot stayed here at home with the young ones. Clyde and I will be visiting Janice Dennison's pre-school kids this morning - they were anxious to see him. It has been a busy week - we will spend the day helping Zach get ready to move in. Not much else to report from here - Deb missed the tornado by only a few miles and could hear the roar as it went over Dusty & Susan Ramsey's house as she and Lexee were in their basement. Do you remember Wade & Phyllis Wilson? It took out their rodeo arena and horse barn but no one was injured.They lost only one calf and all horses and cows were spared. More later - love to all, Mom

February 27, 2007
Just a quick update of my week- Clyde is doing well and can now take 1 and 1/3 cups of milk at a time so feedings are down to 3 per day. He still does not realize that he is a goat but I am definitely now his mom. It's like having a puppy dog always wanting to be held and played with but I love him. Went to the library's Kansas Humanities Council book discussion of Waterlilly - enjoyed it very much. Next book is The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton - it will be March 12 so will be starting this book today. Zach will be moving into Matties house hopefully this weekend. He starts his new job with the state on Monday. Better close - Clyde will be wanting breakfast soon and today is sale day so adventure is on the agenda. I'm finding more books by Margaret Hill McCarter and trying to read them all. Thought for today: Good looks catch the eye but a GOOD personality catches the heart! One other quick note - Shirley Katzer wants me to go with her to Niagra Falls - Xav When is the best time to visit there? Any tips on what else we should see while there - we think we will fly and then rent a car to tour. Hope all is well with all of you - sorry this got so long - love to all, Mom

February 22, 2007
Just a quick note - will send more later - Tues. I bought a baby billy goat for $10.00 and he is great very small - he was a twin and has to be bottle fed every 5 hrs. I've named him Clyde because he will one day grow up to be strong, and courageous like a Clydesdale and has furry feet. Thats all the news from the farm - we are enjoying the 60 degree weather and all snow is now melted - however mud is everywhere. Have a good week and lots of love is sent your way. Love you all, Mom

February 6, 2007
Just so you won't worry this week - a note from mom. Not much going on here - Mrs. Z passed away yesterday so we will have a funeral to go to - she was 101 years old and never had to move into a nursing home - I'm almost finished with Kelli's quilt and can easily have it done by Sun. baby shower. Lewis's belt buckles are on display at the library. No more calves have drowned and all is well except 3 have learned how to jump the cattle guard gate and roam around - they managed to do this twice - we have now put up a barbed wire gate across the cattle guard and hopefully they will forget this talent soon. Can't say our animals are not a challange. The branch is still running and we have not had to cut ice for a week. We are still feeding the quail at Matties - saw about 20 yesterday. Today it is supposed to get up to almost 50 degrees so the last of the snow and ice should melt before we plunge back into cold weather again. Better close, More Later - New thought for the day. Live crazy, Love Deeply, Kiss Slowly, Die Happy..........Love to all, MOM

January 26, 2007
This has been a horrible day - 5 calves managed to go out on the ice and fall in the pond and drown. Zach & Chelsea's Dad Mark were nice enough to come out and go out on the ice in the boat and lasso them so we could get them out. Must close - I have a cherry pie to bake to take out to Mark & Zach - they wouldn't take any money so I'm baking them a pie and taking out some farm fresh eggs. More later - hope you week is going better than ours. Love to all, Mom

January 24, 2007
Sorry it's been so long since I wrote or got on the computer. Lewis has been fighting a head cold so I've been chore girl this week - which is great because I love all of our animals and he does not talk to them like I do. Today I'm taking a class at the Extension office on making post cards - these will be made out of material so it should be interesting. Also, Lewis's belt buckles will be on display at the library during the month of Feb. so we have been busy choosing which ones to display and checking out belt & belt buckle history. Still working on family history - and reading Anderson County history books. If you have any intersting stories you would like added to the Morey Homestead - 100 years please send them to me. 2008 is coming up fast. Mom got another call from Patricia Powelson and she wants to have a family reunion and share the info she has been receiving from the long lost relative in Oregon. Not much else is news from here - all is well here. I'll close with this thought I received in an e-mail from June.(Lewis's sister in Arkansas) Live simply - Love generously - Care deeply - Speak kindly and Leave the rest to God. Have a good week and much love is sent to all, Mom

January 14, 2007
We are having a combination of snow and sleet here now. Sleet and ice is under the snow. It is cold outside so we are staying in by the fire. We decided to call the new baby llama Cotton - we liked Michelle's idea. So now we have Speedy, Spot & Cotton, & Marble & Patches. We went by and saw Little Socs the other day and she seems quite happy in her new home. Not much else is going on here - weather and animals. I only got 9 eggs today down from 13 I was getting when the weather was nicer. I'll close and send more later. Love to all of you, Mom

January 11, 2007
Hope you got my picture of the new baby llama. Until I can come up with a better name we are calling her snowball. The wind is sure howling outside and I hope this does not bring in freezing rain and ice. Snow or rain is okay as long as it is not too much and the roads do not get slick. Not much else for news from here - I'm waiting for daylight so I can go check my babies. Thought for today - May your troubles be less, your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through your door. Love to all, Mom

December 20, 2006
Just a quick update from here. We had a baby goat - born Monday. She seems a little weak but so far she is still alive. I will be babysitting Lexee for the next few days - she gets out of school today and her babysitter doesn't get out of school until Friday so she needed somewhere to go Wed,Thurs, & Friday. We'll have fun together. Not much else for news from here - it sounds like it's raining outside. We need the moisture. Love to all, and I'll see you this weekend. Mom

December 5, 2006
We received a Christmas card from the McKay's - with pictures of the boys - Are you ready for this - Aaron is now in the 8th Grade and is 13 and Nathan is now in the 4th Grade and is 9. Boy do I feel old. Jim & Brenda have 2 really nice looking young men. Time flies I guess-I still remember Jimmy helping to teach Xavier how to walk. Wow!!!! Not much else is news from here - Brent & Lewis continue to deer hunt but aren't even seeing any deer since the snow. It is finally supposed to get warm and maybe some of this snow will melt - they're seeing tracks everywhere but they are looking for food at night and laying low during the day. I've been staying busy keeping the animals feed and watered during this cold spell . We are having to chop ice for the cattle - the branch has not run since April. The llamas seem to really like the snow but the goats will not leave the barn. I'm ready for Spring already. Not much else to report - have a good week. Love to all of you, Mom

December 2, 2006
We got 8-10 inches of snow - it was light and very drifty. The cold air will keep it here awhile. Can't believe you did not get any in Lawrence. Brent was stuck in his own driveway by a drift. It is pretty looking out the window but keeping water open for the animals will be a challange. Love to you both, Mom

November 27, 2006
Yesterday was opening day of rifle season and guess who got a deer . A 9 pt. buck. I went out with Lewis yesterday am armed with my camera and in 15 minutes we had our deer. Don't know why hunters say this is so hard. So glad he got one after not being able to hunt last year. I tried to send you a picture via google - let me know if you receive it. Today I think I will not go out - we had some ice and they are predicting 10" of snow and it is very cold. Yesterday was so perfect - it was cold but we could dress for it - today I think I will just stay at home and keep the wood stove going - we are snug and warm and the furnace hasn't clicked on all night. More later, Love to all of you, Mom

November 27, 2006
Did you get your tile project done? I want to come to the parade Sat. - pending the weather. Lewis said he would be deer hunting . Connecticut Bob was face to face with Hightower Sat. evening but couldn't get a shot at him with his bow - Hightower caught his movement while he was trying to get his bow in place for a shot. Score another one for Hightower - Yea! He didn't get that large and old because he was stupid. Bob said it was a great thrill just to get to see him. He also got to see two bucks fighting over a doe which he had never seen before. He rates this as his best hunting trip ever and doesn't care that he did not get a trophy to take home. He leaves today and enjoyed himself and thanked us for the opportunity for experiencing such a wonderful place. The magic of Matties continues and the deer are safe. More later - love you, Mom

November 16, 2006
Just a deer report - Steve got an 8 point buck and he and Scott left this am for Minnesota - so Hightower is still roaming free and has made it through another bow season. There is also a 10 pt. buck roaming Matties which they saw but could not get close enough to for a shot. Hopefully they will be the ones to breed the does and carry on the genetics of large tall antlers. Lewis is finally feeling better and even is keeping food down today and we went for a ride - he finally is reading the paper also so I think he is on the mend. Not much else to report from here. Mary Jane is losing her cancer battle - they gave her 1 -2 yrs but she is back in Ottawa hospital and they do not expect her to get back out. Gram is taking that pretty hard as they were the same age and played together as children. Love to you all, Mom

November 11, 2006
Lewis continues to recuperate and is doing fine. Our bow hunters have moved in with us - it was so silly for them to spend money on a motel when all they need is a place to store their gear and sleep. They enjoy me getting up and making them breakfast at 4:00 am - they say it beats day old doughnuts from Caseys. I practiced my waffle making on them this morning. Rod is a real challange to cook for - He is alergic to wheat and high gluten so I made him special waffles made out of flour I was able to get in Ottawa and I'm happy to say they turned out - I also made him his own pumpkin pie - it's not hard but the texture is different from regular flour and now that I'm getting good at he returns home to Wisconsin today. Steve and Scott will be here until next Sat. unless they get a deer before then and then they will head back to Minnesota. They have named the big buck over at Matties - Hightower for his big tall antlers. They've named some of the others also and can recognize them in the photos we've taken with our automatic camera. In their 5 years hunting here they know Matties better than we do. If I croak I hope you guys will continue to let the hunt. They are very respectful of the environment and only take a trophy buck - they could take a deer anytime but they only want Hightower and don't mind going back empty handed rather than just taking a deer. They believe like us to let the little ones grow. Not much else is news from here - much love to all of you. Mom

October 25, 2006
The big pond restoration is completed. Can't wait for you guys to see it. It will certainly increase your property value here. Now I'm on to the next projects - first will be the restoration of Eleanor. Our WPA project which was to encourage better sanitation in rural communities - Yep you guessed it - I am now working on restoring Grandpa's outhouse. Sally Hatcher of Leavenworth had an article in Kansas Traveler and is trying to locate the "new deal" (Roosevelt's) outhouses still in Kansas. We have the parts - ours has no building left - she is sending me plans so it can be restored to its original beauty. She is also interested in our chicken house which was a "new deal project also" I wish I hadn't had Kenny and Xavier tear out the front of it. - but most of the original building can be fixed. All this has come about by researching when the pond was built orginally.Hopefully by our 100 yr. farm party I will have some answers and have these historical items restored. Xanthippe - I'm almost done with Shadow Divers - they've now identified the u-boat. How are you coming on the Chicago World's Fair 1893 - what was the big thing that was to compare to the effiel tower? Was it the ferris wheel? Not much else is news from here - hope you guys are all doing fine - Rick Tholen was out and fixed the furnace so we have heat again and should be coming out today to get the water line installed to the refrig. Love to all, Mom - the outhouse researcher

October 19, 2006
Today is the big day - they started work on the big pond yesterday and today we will be cutting a hole in the dam and seeing how many fish survived - I know there are at least a few - they were jumping yesterday from the vibrations of the dozers. I've made a cherry pie and have chicken & noodles made for the guys at lunch. The rest of my day will be spent dressing fish and putting them in the freezer. Some can be put in other ponds but we will clean all the crappie, bass, and large catfish so they will not eat the small channel and hybrid blue gill we put in the ponds this year. Wish us luck!!!! We will probably not live long enough to enjoy this pond for good fishing again but we are fixing it right - I think Grandpa,Dad and Harold would be proud of what we are fixing. The water level is the lowest I've ever seen it so it is a great time to get it cleaned out. The baby llama is doing great - did you get the picture I sent? Got to close - much to do before the workers arrive. Hope you're having a good week - I'm taking pictures of our progress and before and after pictures so you can see the improvements. Love to all, Mom

October 5, 2006
Not much going on this week - new project is picking up walnuts - The Collins farm is paying $13.00 per hundred so we thought it might be a good way to not only make some extra money but clean up the walnuts around our fields and pasture up at matties. Xan - looking forward to seeing you this weekend but please be careful driving down - if tailgating gets to be too much fun due to it being Homecoming find a driver. Also think about staying all night after the Katzer fish fry and if Clint's mom is still visiting bring her along - there will be people of all ages at the fish fry. Went to coffee with the girls yesterday and Lois is still having trouble with her heart and Shirley with the foot she had operated on in May. I feel like I'm the lucky one - retired and so far healthy. I think it is my love of the outdoors. However they both keep a much cleaner house than I do. It is just such a struggle for me to stay inside when I know cold weather is coming sooner than we want it to and hate to think that outside won't be as nice as it is now - this is truly beautiful and I love watching the wildlife and looking for rocks while picking up nuts.Not much else to report - life is great. Love to all, MOM

September 30, 2006
Thanks for a wonderful afternoon - I made it home in time to see Garnett win Homecoming 49-7 - yes we beat Wellsville. Garnett has a really good team this year - however there are lots of Seniors so next year could be a bummer. I really enjoyed my visit to Lawrence - it is like another world compared to Garnett - don't get me wrong I do love it here but sometimes it is good to get away and enjoy a break from the ordinary and I just love spending time with you. I'm so grateful that we can have such a fun time together. I've already started Shadow Divers and am enjoying it very much - it reads so easy and really hate to put it down but wanted to thank you for the day. I'll give you a report on today's auctions. Love you, Mom

September 23, 2006
Today will be a day of corn - Cornfest 2006 here in Garnett. Antique tractor, motorcycle and car shows plus a tractor rodeo. We will study corn and ethenol etc. Tonights concert on the hill will be Sammy Kershaw and Trick Pony. This is a big event for Garnett. To update you on the rest of our week - we have a new kitten (mostly white with black ears and tail) , hatched baby chicks, bought a cow/calf pair at the cow sale and I've redone my strawberry beds and added 1 more. I now have 75 strawberry plants in the ground. It is turning into fall around here - nights have been in the 40's and days are a pleasant 60's to 70's. The trees on the bluff are just starting to turn. Last night we went to the football game and Garnett won 27 to 6 - we played Osawatomie - next week will be homecoming and we will play Wellsville. We also got an invitation to Chris Miller's wedding - I haven't seen him since he graduated high school. Sis is busy with Brewfest this weekend but I'm hoping to get to Lawrence next weekend to see her. She was down last weekend for city wide garage sales but I enjoy visiting with her. Not much else is news from here. Love you much, Mom

September 10, 2006
Not much to report today - we are going to Sobba's for supper and I am taking squirel (Daryl loves it and hasn't had any for years) The Greeley Smoke-Off was really interesting since I had not attended before - Leo Morgan made some really neat kabobs with shrimp,peppers,pineapple all wrapped in bacon and grilled - later he and Laurie were going to grill some apples and peaches. They also did the regular beef,pork & chicken. Also there were frog legs and crab legs. One of the favorites I tasted was the smoked salmon. I really got some good recipe ideas. Watching the cooks and their cookers was interesting also - some of the people had a lot of money invested in their fancy cookers - it was good to see the home town folks cook just as good if not better food with their welded up barrels. Their are a lot of welders around Greeley and I hope some of them win some of the $2,700.00 in prizes. I found out at Power of the Past that my jubilee is definitely a 1954 as Ford only put out the Golden Jubilee in 1953 - then manufactured the Jubilee in 1954 and then quit manufacturing them and only made the 2N,8Nand 9N after that. This will info will help in restoring Dad's old tractor. We have hunters from South Carolina in the neighborhood for black powder season - they're good kids. The Zupons will be down soon from Minn. for bow season and it will be good to catch up on all the news from them. Not much else from here, love to all, Mom

September 8, 2006
Not much going on this week - we sold $68.00 at the sale barn and only spent $l.00 so it was a good day. Becky Boone was at the sale barn this week and before I forget - You are invited to the Katzer's Annual Fish Fry - Oct. 7, 2006 @ Robert Katzer's Bring covered dish,lawn chairs - suppertime is at 6:00. This is the same weekend as the Lawrence Farm Tour - Hope we can do both. Becky enjoyed your visit at Zach's graduation party and hopes you will be able to attend. This is a busy weekend - Power of the Past, Greeley Smoke-off on Sat. We are planning to catch the Power of the Past today and Greeley tomorrow. We've never been to the Smoke-off because I always had to work Saturday's. City Wide Garage Sale is Sept. 16 here in Garnett. We had a wonderful visit from Krista last Monday. She is now working in the bank at Silverlake and has insurance. She is still living at home - her babysitting is $120.00 per week so her last paycheck was spent on child care, groceries, a new book for Sammy and a tank of gas - not getting ahead very fast but at least now she is trying. She is planning to come down for City Wide in hopes of finding Sammy some winter clothes as he is growing so fast. This week he is getting new shoes as he is outgrowing his old ones. He was 2 in May and is quite a character - he loves tractors and animals so of course we wore him out here. Lewis took him a ride on the big tractor and he sat on all the others and rode the Trecker to look at the cows and feed the fish. I'll send pictures soon. Not much else from here - Love you lots, Mom

September 2, 2006
Today Lewis and I will both be in the Colony Days Parade - he will be on his antique tractor and I will be riding with Lexee on her 4-H float (they needed an old grandma in a rocking chair) The theme is Wild Wild West and we will be in a horse drawn wagon. Now I know how Deb pictures me. By the way Garnett won their football game last night and looked pretty good for the first game of the season. Not much else for news - love to you both, Mom